This is my "antennapark":

King KMC-96 long wire (70ft) automatic antennatuner (click picture for more info)

The King antenna tuner has been replaced with a CG-3000 from CG antenna. Reason for replacement was that the CG3-3000 works completely automatic. The King tuner required a seperate PTT line.

Results with this antenna tuner are very good. Even with 5 Watt input the tuner is able to tune on all frequencies fast.

Rotating 3 band HF dipole (Jaybeam) on a Yaesu rotor. The direction can  be controlled via the PC.

10 element 2M beam with on top our "home" owl (click photo to enlarge)

9 band HF vertical Butternut HF9V


Comet CX-903 Ultra High Gain Triple Bander omnidirectional